Winning Lottery Numbers.

I had a bit of a come to Jesus moment with my husband a few months ago. It was nothing bad, I just know he’s an amazing writer, husband, father and all around human and I felt like he wasn’t living up to that potential. He’s got an MFA in Screenwriting and he’s damn good at it and yet he hasn’t sold a screenplay.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not as though he’s sits around eating bon bon’s all day, he probably has less spare time than just about anyone else I know, between an exhausting day job, a needy house (by which I mean a fixer upper who we consider to be a member of the family and takes up his time accordingly), our toddler and me he has very little time to sleep, eat and write.

But if there’s anything I’ve learned from my past months of research into self improvement it’s that anyone can find/prioritize time if something is really important to them.

I know writing is important to Justin, and I know it gets pushed to the back burner, I also know how easy it is to push things to the back burner, just ask my yoga practice… but I also wanted to encourage him not to let it go completely. I know it’s an important part of him and (just as importantly) I know it’s important to our goals as a family/couple.

We want financial freedom, we want flexible work schedules, we want to travel, take trips, buy all the things we want, hire someone else work on the house for once (instead of doing it ourselves and by ourselves I mean Justin).

I told Justin that I felt frustrated because I felt like I have the winning numbers for the lottery, I just can’t get him to buy the ticket. I know his writing could be key in changing our lives, I know he’s damn good I just can’t get him to prioritize his writing.

I too have the key to a winning lottery ticket, but I’m still figuring out the numbers, but until then I’m just going to keep encouraging Justin to buy the ticket and keep working to figure out my numbers.

What is your dream? What do you know could work, you just haven’t bought in yet? Why haven’t you bought your winning ticket yet? Leave me a note below or email me, I’d love to hear more from you. Is it time, money, resources?

Whatever it is, I can assure you that you can overcome it, and maybe I can help you!

Manifesting your Goals

I was listening to the Sean Croxton Sessions, the episode with JJ Virgin and she said “I’m super careful about what I write down because I can manifest like nobody’s business.” This struck me because at first I was jealous, thinking why can’t I do that? I want to manifest things like nobody’s business! (And just in case I can manifest like nobody’s business – I WANT A MILLION DOLLARS.)

And then I realized I have done this. Maybe not by writing something down (although I’m working on it) but when my husband and I decided to have a baby I got pregnant quickly. And then when we decided to have a second I once again got pregnant quickly. Getting pregnant consumed my thoughts, I wanted it so badly and I had no reason to thin it wasn’t a possibility for us (i.e. fertility problems). I constantly thought about being a mother, being pregnant, how would I look? When would I start to show? Would I feel good? And I believe the power of my thoughts enabled me to get pregnant quickly. (Please know that I am not saying that couples who are not able to conceive don’t want a baby badly enough, I don’t believe that’s the case, I simply believe that my husband and I were and are able to have children and because of that and our desire to have kids, my husband and I were able to conceive quickly.) I didn’t think about miscarrying or not being able to get pregnant, I simply decided I would get pregnant.

I know women who have worried, worried and worried some more and despite being completely healthy and able to conceive that worry prevented them from conceiving, i.e. it took them a lot longer to conceive.

I realized that when I decided failure was not an option that I was able to achieve anything, running a marathon, having my son, going to Disney World for my 30th birthday, and the list goes on.

The only problem is that I’d never used this power (I’m being slightly sarcastic when I say power) to manifest my career and money goals. I realized that if I could use the power of thought and manifestation for my personal life then why hadn’t I used it in my professional life? Surely it couldn’t be that different.

So here goes, I’ve been meditating and thinking about my current project – it’s a workbook for pregnant women, the working title is the Postpartum Action Plan. It’s written, I’m tweaking it and I truly believe it will be a wonderful resource for pregnant women to help them plan for their best postpartum. I’m so excited to accomplish two goals – getting published and helping pregnant women that I realized failure is not an option, even if I have to self publish. I realized hospitals, birth centers, churches and any other organization that works with moms and babies could benefit from this workbook.

Not only does it walk a woman through planning for their postpartum period, it also gets women to think about their postpartum in a way that I’ve never heard anyone talk about before.

So I decided this would be my first career manifested goal that I will accomplish. It feels so good that I’ve been on cloud 9 for the past 24 hours. So without further ado I’m going to get back to my Postpartum Action Plan, finish that sucker up and get it published! Then I’m moving on to the next 5 goals I’ve got planned.

Get rid of it.

I have 8 bins packed to the gills with all kinds of clothes. I tell myself it’s fine cause I have to rotate for winter and summer but it’s not fine. I feel beholden to keep them all whether they fit or not, whether I like them or not because I keep telling myself I’ll list them on eBay and make money. But here’s the thing, I fucking hate selling shit on eBay.

So needless to say my bins kept getting fuller and fuller. I tried listing things, some clothes sold, some didn’t, but throughout the process when something sold I found myself dreading packing it up, and printing the receipt and everything else. I just hated it but now here in New Hampshire I believe/hope winter is finally turning to Spring/Summer and I need my summer clothes, so it’s time to bring out the bins. I can’t put it off any longer.

And this time instead of dreading it, the phrase “the more you give the more you receive” keeps going through my head. So instead of forcing myself to sell them on eBay I’m going to donate them. Maybe I could have sold some of them, maybe not, but there’s a local thrift shop I love and they’re going to receive a bunch of my clothes because the weight of keeping them now outweighs my want of money and they have to go.

At this point my clothes feel like a weight, they’re keeping me from moving on, from being happy, from being the minimalist I aspire to be so they have to go.

What are you hanging onto that no longer serves you? I’d love to hear.