Get rid of it.

I have 8 bins packed to the gills with all kinds of clothes. I tell myself it’s fine cause I have to rotate for winter and summer but it’s not fine. I feel beholden to keep them all whether they fit or not, whether I like them or not because I keep telling myself I’ll list them on eBay and make money. But here’s the thing, I fucking hate selling shit on eBay.

So needless to say my bins kept getting fuller and fuller. I tried listing things, some clothes sold, some didn’t, but throughout the process when something sold I found myself dreading packing it up, and printing the receipt and everything else. I just hated it but now here in New Hampshire I believe/hope winter is finally turning to Spring/Summer and I need my summer clothes, so it’s time to bring out the bins. I can’t put it off any longer.

And this time instead of dreading it, the phrase “the more you give the more you receive” keeps going through my head. So instead of forcing myself to sell them on eBay I’m going to donate them. Maybe I could have sold some of them, maybe not, but there’s a local thrift shop I love and they’re going to receive a bunch of my clothes because the weight of keeping them now outweighs my want of money and they have to go.

At this point my clothes feel like a weight, they’re keeping me from moving on, from being happy, from being the minimalist I aspire to be so they have to go.

What are you hanging onto that no longer serves you? I’d love to hear.