Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Go are Ad Free! Why that Matters

People see 5000 ads a day. This is way more than the 2000 ads a day people saw 30 years ago, according to the New York Times.

As if the sheer quantity wasn’t enough, over the past 20-30 years ads have become more and more deregulated, to a shocking point. For more information check out the Miss Representation documentary on Netflix. Ads are designed to make you feel nothing but negativity. They want you to feel bad about yourself so you buy their product, they want you to feel anxiety if you don’t buy their product. I remember watching toy ads as a kid and literally feeling panicked if I didn’t beg my mom for everything.  The commercials were loud, fast, overwhelming and they worked. I thought if I just got my mom and dad to buy whatever toy they were selling that I’d feel happy again. I remember even asking for things I didn’t actually want. Thats how well they worked!

While watching Hulu months ago I saw one of these toy commercials and was shocked that these were still being made, I mistakenly assumed our society had come so far since then, but apparently not. I then decided I didn’t want my kids to feel this way, so we upgraded our plan and for a mere $4 more a month we stream Hulu 99% ad free.

It was when I upgraded our plan that I realized I’d been systematically riding our home of as many ads as possible. When we first moved into our first home almost 3 years ago I subscribed to numerous magazines, now I subscribe to 1 (and it’s an annual Christmas gift- Organic Living). I somehow receive Glamour, Marie Clair and a few other women-hating magazines and either I automatically throw them in the paper recycling bin or I look at the headlines, shake my head, pray for any girls/women who read these and feel bad for themselves and then chuck them in the bin.

One word about fashion/fitness magazines, these magazine server double duty making women feel bad, not only do they body shame women who aren’t between a size 0-6, but they also make you feel poor because all of the items they showcase are ridiculously expensive so out they go! Once I realized reading these magazines only made me feel like shit and that I could stay abreast of fashion trends by knowing my own personal style and by following fashion bloggers online I felt no remorse recycling them.

We got rid of cable almost 2 years ago, going with Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and HBO Go, none of which have commercials, and other than a few select shows (Fixer Upper) and some golf tournaments (for my husband) we haven’t missed cable at all. In fact when I am exposed to cable, while getting my oil changed or visiting my parents, I do not miss it because I realize the commercials negate the experience of the show for me.

Just getting rid of magazines and commercials has been HUGE. I don’t really have a specific way to measure this, but I can tell you I am more confident and I feel like I know myself way better since the clutter of commercials has mostly been removed from my home.

Now when I see an ad or commercial I know exactly what it’s doing and I know better than to fall for their trap.

And before I conclude I’d like to touch on internet ads briefly, I don’t have ads on my blog so this is my completely unbiased opinion, but I don’t mind them. Yeah they’re creepy, it’s unsettling that Facebook seems to know my Google searches and then targets ads to me based on those searches, but I honestly prefer that because odds are good that if I’m Googling something I have an interest in it and an ad on Facebook not only makes better use of my time because it’s something I’m interested in and it maybe helps me to find a better deal or product. It doesn’t try to convince me to buy something I don’t want or need. And they’re fairly innocuous, for the most part they won’t trigger seizures or give you feelings of anxiety so despite the creepiness I am mostly pro internet ads (with the caveat that I’m sure at some point I’ll regret making that statement in the near dystopian future).

If you’re interested in ads and how riding them from your home might benefit you, I highly recommend the documentary Miss Information that I mentioned above, it’s shocking, informative and will help you to better understand why we’ve chosen to remove as many ads from our home as possible.

And if you’ve done the same thing or have the same goal as I do feel free to leave comments with any idea/tips/tricks or opinions on how to achieve this goal. I’d love to hear from you!

Yoga Challenge Update – January 2017

I decided on New Years Eve that I wanted/needed to challenge myself to do yoga everyday. It was spur of the moment but I knew it was for the best. I did yoga pretty much everyday September through most of November and it felt great and I knew I needed to get back into it so what better opportunity that the new year?

I don’t make resolutions because I don’t think you have to wait for a new year to make life changing habits but this just happened to work out so I went for it. I set a few rules, I knew there would be days when I’d rather die than do a single pose and on days like that I decided even one pose would meet the quota. I also decided I would post a photo everyday on Instagram of me doing said yoga to keep me accountable.

So having said that here’s my roundup of January.

I did yoga everyday, except for January 27th. I had a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day. It was a day I decided to throw in the towel and go to bed early, without even doing some goodnight poses to keep my yoga goal. Having said that I decided to keep up with my challenge and decided I needed to get my yoga in before noon everyday. I realized my chances of doing yoga after about noon or 1 go down by about a million percent. So my bad day helped me workout what’s best for my practice and take it more seriously.

Other than that I did yoga everyday and what’s funny is that on days when I thought I forgot to do my yoga I realized I had done yoga throughout the day. I’ve started integrating poses into my daily life, aside from my actual practice. If my hip hurts I do a few hip openers, if my back hurts I do some a staff pose or a few other stretches.

I think that’s my favorite part of this challenge is that it is already changing my daily life and I do feel better, I have less aches and pains and I feel good. I’d also been having chronic wrist pain and my yoga even seems to be helping with that.

So far so good, I’m excited to keep going with my daily practice and to see what other benefits I reap from it in the next 11 months to come.

Be stronger than your strongest excuse.

Yoga Day 5, can you see the pure joy in my worried face?