Yoga Challenge Update – January 2017

I decided on New Years Eve that I wanted/needed to challenge myself to do yoga everyday. It was spur of the moment but I knew it was for the best. I did yoga pretty much everyday September through most of November and it felt great and I knew I needed to get back into it so what better opportunity that the new year?

I don’t make resolutions because I don’t think you have to wait for a new year to make life changing habits but this just happened to work out so I went for it. I set a few rules, I knew there would be days when I’d rather die than do a single poseĀ and on days like that I decided even one pose would meet the quota. I also decided I would post a photo everyday on Instagram of me doing said yoga to keep me accountable.

So having said that here’s my roundup of January.

I did yoga everyday, except for January 27th. I had a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day. It was a day I decided to throw in the towel and go to bed early, without even doing some goodnight poses to keep my yoga goal. Having said that I decided to keep up with my challenge and decided I needed to get my yoga in before noon everyday. I realized my chances of doing yoga after about noon or 1 go down by about a million percent. So my bad day helped me workout what’s best for my practice and take it more seriously.

Other than that I did yoga everyday and what’s funny is that on days when I thought I forgot to do my yoga I realized I had done yoga throughout the day. I’ve started integrating poses into my daily life, aside from my actual practice. If my hip hurts I do a few hip openers, if my back hurts I do some a staff pose or a few other stretches.

I think that’s my favorite part of this challenge is that it is already changing my daily life and I do feel better, I have less aches and pains and I feel good. I’d also been having chronic wrist pain and my yoga even seems to be helping with that.

So far so good, I’m excited to keep going with my daily practice and to see what other benefits I reap from it in the next 11 months to come.

Be stronger than your strongest excuse.

Yoga Day 5, can you see the pure joy in my worried face?